Duration : Two academic year
No of Seats : 200
Our College of Education offers B.Ed course for which the college is affiliated to the Tamilnadu Teacher Education University, Chennai. Every aspect of education is adequately dealt with. It concentrates on how to deal with first generation learners. The learning of English as a second language is much taken care of Various skills in the teaching of subjects like mathematics, science, social science education, physical education, yoga, and health education and the teaching of art and craft are given much importance.
Practical sessions are a major part of the curriculum and the records essential for the course are expected to be maintained and submitted on schedule.
It is well known fact that the school teachers have a very great responsibility in providing a good and strong foundation for the young, The course in education for fresh graduates is one that combines theoretical and practical teaching with micro teaching methods of instruction and the use of ICT.
A degree from a recognized university /as prescribed by TNTEU from time to time.
Eligibility for B.Ed Course
Guidelines for admission to B.Ed Degree Programme for the year 2015-16. Click Here
Curriculam Framework
B.Ed Curriculam Framework (2015-17) & First Year Syllabus. Click Here